Women Living STEM
Recognizing Brilliant and Innovative Trailblazers in STEM
From performing the trajectory analysis for the first man in space to inventing Kismet the humanoid robot to discovering the BRCA-1 gene, women have been trailblazers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). They take risks that have made impacts so great that they have shaped and changed the world we live in today. Yet the recognition these women receive are no on par with their innovative acumen and spirit. They live STEM every day, whether researching, teaching young minds or sharing their gifts in the arts.
STEM Disciplines
Natural Resources
Funders and Philanthropists
Future Leaders
Women have played a critical role in living and leading STEM in communities around the globe
Women Living STEM is a program developed by TIES to recognize women – from legacy trailblazers to future leaders – who lead and live STEM every day. What better way to use the strength of STEM Learning Ecosystems to identify and celebrate women who are leaders and impact their ecosystems by bringing together a variety of stakeholders to find ways to design access to STEM for all learners.
The Story
The idea of Women Living STEM was planted after Jan Morrison, TIES founder and managing partner, was named a Notable Women in STEM by Crain’s Cleveland Business. In the summer of 2019, during a planning session for the October 2019 bi-annual convening of STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice in Cleveland Ohio, dozens of leaders on the planning committee began to identify Northeast Ohio women who have made important contributions to STEM. The list quickly grew and continues to uncover notable women and future leaders in STEM.
The name Women Living STEM was inspired by the Cleveland, Ohio October 2019 convening title, Living STEM: Communities At The Heart. It is our hope that Women Living STEM is integrated in future convenings to showcase women who are innovators and leaders in STEM in each Community of Practice throughout the US and beyond.
About STEM Learning Ecosystems
During the three-day program, a diverse group of more than 400 global leaders from 84 STEM ecosystems participate in best practices sharing and programming to explore how regions can find, pursue and advance their own STEM connections, career pathways and innovative partnerships.
STEM Learning Ecosystems unite stakeholders from a variety of community-based organizations — including formal and after-school education, higher education, business, government, philanthropy, and the non-profit sector — to cultivate, innovate and work for common goals and actions surrounding world-class STEM opportunities for all learners. TIES designed and continues to lead the STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice, created in 2015. In December 2018, STEM ecosystems were identified as the #1 priority by the US Federal Government in its STEM five-year strategic plan, Charting A Course for Success: America’s Strategy for STEM Education.